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Best Practices


The best way to minimise erosion is to reduce the amount of exposed earth surfaces on site. This can be achieved by phasing of earth works, covering up exposed earth areas with erosion control blankets of canvas covers, early reinstatement, paving etc. To reduce silt discharge from the remaining exposed earth areas, apply Best Practices as follows:

(Click on image for an enlarged view)ECM Provisions at construction site

(Click on image for an enlarged view)
Earth Control Measures Best Practices
1. Seal Hoarding Footing and Hoarding Gaps 

(Click on image for an enlarged view)
Earth Control Measures Best Practices
2. Provide Hump at Site Entrance 

(Click on image for an enlarged view)
Earth Control Measures Best Practices
3. Provide Adequate Silty Water Treatment Capacity

(Click on image for an enlarged view)

Earth Control Measures Best Practices
4. Provide Adequate Holding Pond

(Click on image for an enlarged view)
Earth Control Measures Best Practices
5. Provide Cut-off Drain Around the Site Boundary

(Click on image for an enlarged view)
Earth Control Measures Best Practices
6.  Isolate Bare Earth Areas with Silt Fences

(Click on image for an enlarged view)
Earth Control Measures Best Practices
7. Cover Stockpiles

(Click on image for an enlarged view)
Earth Control Measures Best Practices
8. Pave Up Access Path / Road

(Click on image for an enlarged view)

Earth Control Measures Best Practices
9. Cover Bare Earth Area After Work

(Click on image for an enlarged view)
Earth Control Measures Best Practices
10. Pave Up Site Office Areas

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Earth Control Measures Best Practices
11. Provide Cut-off Drain to Separate Clean Water from Silty Water

(Click on image for an enlarged view)

Earth Control Measures Best Practices
12. Install CCTV at Public Drain to Monitor Discharge

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