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Singapore Water Webinar Series


Singapore Water Webinar (SgWW) Series

Virtual Platform to Share Technical Water Knowledge Through World-Renowned Practitioners and Experts

The Singapore Water Webinar Series (SgWW) is a new initiative by the Singapore Water Academy (SgWA) and PUB, Singapore’s National Water Agency. SgWW is a virtual platform to provide a great opportunity to learn and share water and wastewater related knowledge and experience on the latest solutions and scientific advancements, policy and regulatory changes, and other latest and cutting-edge developments.

The SgWW aims to sustain Singapore’s engagement with water practitioners and experts from around the world, and provide continuous learning opportunities for all of us. We plan to feature renowned Singapore and international water experts on topical areas of interest in climate adaptation and mitigation, water sustainability, as well as water and wastewater management​.​

The SgWW will be held on a regular basis. The first SgWW was launched on 9th November 2022 on the topic of Climate Crisis and Coastal Adaptation. C​ontact us via email​​ for more details on SgWW.

Webinar Schedule

​Look out for the next SgWW webinar in early 2023!​​