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Major Components


The major components of the DTSS (Phase 1) include:

  1. Link Sewer Network

  2. ​Deep Tunnel Sewer

  3. Changi Water Reclamation Plant

  4. Outfall Pipes

Link Sewer Network 

1. Link Sewer Network

The link sewers connect the existing sewerage pipes from homes and industries to the deep tunnel sewers. Constructed with depths ranging from 10m to 30m underground, a trenchless method was used to minimise disruption of activities above ground. Ranging from 0.3m to 3m in diameter, the link sewers total about 60km in length.

2. Deep Tunnel Sewer

Eight tunnel boring machines were used simultaneously to excavate these deep tunnels. With tunnels as wide as 3.3m to 6m in diameter and depths reaching tunnel sewers received used water from the existing sewerage system.

3. Changi Water Reclamation Plant

Anaerobic Digesters 

The Changi Water Reclamation Plant is the cornerstone of the first phase of the Singapore Deep Tunnel Sewerage System (DTSS). Sited on 32 hectares of reclaimed land, CWRP features a state-of-the-art, compact and covered used water treatment facility designed to treat 800,000 cubic metres per day of used water. It can be expanded to handle an ultimate 2,400,000 cubic metres per day of used water.

Click here for an ins​ide look of the Changi WRP.

4. Outfall Pipes

Two 5km long deep sea outfall pipes channel the excess treated used water from the Changi Water Reclamation Plant for dispersion into the sea. ​​​​​​